
Autologin to your dedicated server with PuTTy

August 25, 2022

Please make sure that this method is somehow unsecure, as your password will be stored in plaintext. Always keep that in mind, especially if you are working with root!


1. Download PuTTy

Go to the website and download PuTTy for your system. Store it somewhere on your harddrive and create a desktop shortcut from here.

2. Create a session profile

Open PuTTy and create a session. Pick a name for your session, you will need this also for the autologin.

I will call my session "ROOT" here.

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3. Edit the desktop shortcut

Now go to your desktop shortcut, right click and go to settings. To make autologin work we adjust the "Target" parameter.

For example you will have something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\putty.exe"

Now we extend it to this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\putty.exe" -load "ROOT" -l myuser -pw yy1xx2zz3

If you open your desktop shortcut you will be logged in automatically now. With -load you can specify the saved session you want to load. With -l and -pw you tell your login and password. As mentioned in the beginning, keep in mind your password will be stored in plaintext here. If you work with sensitive data or root you should be sure if you want to store your login data here.

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