
Use Cyberduck to remote work on your webspace

June 29, 2022

When it comes to working remote Cyberduck could be a thing for you. It is basically a cloud storage browser supported by Mac and Windows. Not only it can handle FTP/SFTP, you can also use it with Dropbox, Nextcloud, Amazon S3 and so on.


1. Download Cyberduck

Go to Cyberduck Website and install the software on your computer. The program is very small so it won't need much resources.

2. Create a connection

For me I will go to New Connection and select SFTP in the dropdown. Then fill server ip, username and passwort to establish the connection. Double click on the created connection and you will be able to browse your webspace.

3. Use an editor

You will most likely also use an editor like Sublime Text. When opening a file in Cyberduck it will open in your editor and create a temp copy on your system you can edit. If you save it, Cyberduck will pull it back to your webspace on the fly. That way you can work directly on your storage without manually transfering files.

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