
How to create a Wordpress child theme in no time

December 27, 2022

A child theme is becoming always a useful thing when it comes to theme updates. It preserves your main theme from beeing reset on updates. You will keep all the look and functionality of your site. To understand how child themes work it is important to understand the relationship between parent/main and child themes.

What is a parent/main theme?

Your parent theme is basically the complete theme with all the functions, styles, markup files and assets for the theme to work. You never should make changes directly to the parent theme, since if you are using a famous theme and it will get a big update, theres is danger it will revert all your changes if you don't make proper backups.

What is a child theme?

The child theme is basically an excluded folder stacked on top of your parent theme, but doesn't affect it at all since it is an extra environment. For example you can just grad a functions.php from your parent them and copy it into the child theme folder, make some adjustments and it won't affect your parent theme or it's functions at all. If you delete the copied file it will use the functions.php from your parent folder again.

Pro's about having a child theme:

How to create a child theme?

Just follow these simple steps.

1. Create a child theme folder

First, create a new folder in your themes directory, located at wp-content/themes.

The directory needs a name. It’s best practice to give a child theme the same name as the parent, but with -child appended to the end. For example, if you were making a child theme of twentyfifteen, then the directory would be named twentyfifteen-child.

2. Create a stylesheet: style.css

Next, you’ll need to create a stylesheet file named style.css, which will contain all of the CSS rules and declarations that control the look of your theme. Your stylesheet must contain the below required header comment at the very top of the file. This tells WordPress basic info about the theme, including the fact that it is a child theme with a particular parent.

Theme Name: Twenty Fifteen Child
Theme URI: http://example.com/twenty-fifteen-child/
Description: Twenty Fifteen Child Theme
Author: John Doe
Author URI: http://example.com
Template: twentyfifteen
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: twentyfifteenchild

The following information is required:

Add remaining information as applicable. The only required child theme file is style.css, but functions.php is necessary to enqueue styles correctly (below).

3. Enqueue stylesheet

The final step is to enqueue the parent and child theme stylesheets, if needed.

In the past, the common method was to import the parent theme stylesheet using @import inside style.css. This is no longer the recommended practice, as it increases the amount of time it takes style sheets to load. Plus it is possible for the parent stylesheet to get loaded twice.

The ideal way of enqueuing stylesheets is for the parent theme to load both (parent’s and child’s), but not all themes do this. Therefore, you need to examine the code of the parent theme to see what it does and to get the handle name that the parent theme uses. The handle is the first parameter of wp_enqueue_style().

There are a few things to keep in mind:

The recommended way of enqueuing the stylesheets is to add a wp_enqueue_scripts action and use wp_enqueue_style() in your child theme’s functions.php.
If you do not have one, create a functions.php in your child theme’s directory. The first line of your child theme’s functions.php will be an opening PHP tag (<?php), after which you can write the PHP code according to what your parent theme does.

If the parent theme loads both stylesheets, the child theme does not need to do anything.

If the parent theme loads its style using a function starting with get_template, such as get_template_directory() and get_template_directory_uri(), the child theme needs to load just the child styles, using the parent’s handle in the dependency parameter.

add_action(  'wp_enqueue_scripts',  'my_theme_enqueue_styles'  ); 
function  my_theme_enqueue_styles()  { 
    wp_enqueue_style(  'child-style', 
        array(  'parenthandle'  ), 
        wp_get_theme()->get(  'Version'  )  // This only works if you have Version defined in the style header.

If the parent theme loads its style using a function starting with get_stylesheet, such as get_stylesheet_directory() and get_stylesheet_directory_uri(), the child theme needs to load both parent and child stylesheets. Be sure to use the same handle name as the parent does for the parent styles.

add_action(  'wp_enqueue_scripts',  'my_theme_enqueue_styles'  ); 
function  my_theme_enqueue_styles()  { 
    $parenthandle  =  'parent-style';  // This is 'twentyfifteen-style' for the Twenty Fifteen theme.
     $theme  =  wp_get_theme(); 
     wp_enqueue_style(  $parenthandle, 
         get_template_directory_uri()  .  '/style.css', 
         array(),  // If the parent theme code has a dependency, copy it to here. 
         $theme->parent()->get(  'Version'  )
     wp_enqueue_style(  'child-style', 
         array(  $parenthandle  ), 
         $theme->get(  'Version'  )  // This only works if you have Version defined in the style header.

4. Install the child theme

Install the child theme as you install any other theme. You can copy the folder to the site using FTP, or create a zip file of the child theme folder, choosing the option to maintain folder structure, and click on Appearance > Themes > Add New to upload the zip file.

5. Activate the child theme

Your child theme is now ready for activation. Log in to your site’s Administration Screen, and go to Administration Screen > Appearance > Themes. You should see your child theme listed and ready for activation. (If your WordPress installation is multi-site enabled, then you may need to switch to your network Administration Screen to enable the theme (within the Network Admin Themes Screen tab). You can then switch back to your site-specific WordPress Administration Screen to activate your child theme).

You may need to re-save your menu from Appearance > Menus and theme options (including background and header images) after activating the child theme.

6. For more informations

Check out the official Wordpress reference about child themes here.

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